
Saturday, 8 June 2013

Depression and Unemployment

I am a 19 year old British male. For as long as I can remember I always hated life, I focused on the negatives and ignored the positives, not through choice, it was all my brain could do. 2 years ago I found out this is due to depression, I was born with it, most likely from my mother's side of the family. What caused it to be diagnosed? Bullying in Sixth Form. I was bullied badly and to an extent, yes I did bring it on myself, but did I deserve all of it? No. There were rumours made up and spread about me, at the time I was also learning how to cope with my short temper, I lashed out, I didn't know who was doing it but I knew it was people from a certain social group I thought I was a part of. This resulted in me recieving death threats on a weekly basis for a few months, losing a lot of friends and finding even more rumours spread about me. By this point I had maybe 3 friends left, 1 suicide attempt and about 30% school attendance rate.

After this I was put into counselling, it was great to talk to someone outside of everything else, and while I knew both my counsellors were being paid to listen and help I still felt like they actually cared. My few remaining friends and (some) of my family stood by me and helped me recover, and while I know I will have depression and the social anxiety that comes with it for the rest of my life I feel I can cope. I can even say I got here without taking an medication!

Or that should be, I felt I could cope. It's now 1 year on from the end of Sixth Form. I finished 2 of the 5 courses I started having dropped one and been kicked off 2 as the school management did not believe depression is a real mental issue and said I was making excuses to not turn up. But I still finished, I was so proud of this, going to the place I hated to study subjects I no longer cared about just so I could say "Fuck you, you can't stop me!" to the pupils and staff that made my life such a torment for two years. I was so happy on results day, a D and an E, I may have been predicted 4 Cs but I was still proud. But not now, a year on it feels like such a waste. A year of sitting in my bedroom at my parents house looking for work, not even being given a single interview. Hardly ever even hearing from the companies I applied to, is it so hard to tell me I haven't made the fucking shortlist? I daren't go to JCP, our local one, the one my friend's went to, sounds like such a hellhole I think I'd have a panic attack within 5 minutes of the meeting, and I've heard about what's happened to people having panic attacks in JCPs. My parents still give me pocket money, I'm lucky in that respect, my father earns enough to keep me at home, gives me a bit of spending money, pays for the costs of my dog whom I got a year ago and right now is the only thing keeping me alive. I feel so useless. I've been told so many different reasons why I can't work for different people; "You're too tall you'll intimidate customers" (I'm 6'8") "We don't do uniforms your size, bad luck" "We don't want someone with depression bringing the mood down" "You've not got any experience" (When they've not specified experience required on the ad) and other reasons I'm sure you've heard before. I feel like I can't take it any more, I feel useless. I'm not going to kill myself because I know I can beat this, but I've been having those involuntary thoughts that those of us with depression know far too well. "If I just stepped off the path now, it would all be over, no more worries." But I can't, my dog needs me, she doesn't trust any one else properly, my dying friend needs me, I like to think all my friends need me. Although I've not gone to see anyone since Wednesday, told everyone I was ill, and I guess I am. I don't know what to do. Parents can only keep me so long and I won't go to JCP and get treated like dirt.

I don't know why I'm typing this, I just needed to get it out of my head I guess.



  1. I've recently lost my job due to a relapse of my mental health stuff and it's awful, no one wants to hire me because I've got a "disability" and the longer you're out of work, the harder it is to get someone to bite and even offer an interview. The workplace I was in previously was toxic, and a huge trigger, but at least I had a job. I understand how you're feeling, especially about it being hopeless and suicide being the only reasonable answer to the problem, but I'm really glad you know that it doesn't solve things. I wish you luck in your searching.

    1. And good luck to you too Emma. You've had a job before and while you may have lost it, that shows you can get another!

  2. I'm an over tall epileptic who lost his last job (and his driving license along with it) after having a seizure in work. That was 2 years ago and things are seriously fucking tough now, stay strong Rusty. Focus on the positive and don't let the bastards grind you down.

    Much love,


  3. Been on this work program as well, I am dyspraxic and I echo a LOT of your sentiments with the experience side of things. I also have a degree and a masters degree and being forced to go for jobs which I am overqualified for and nothing I know about.

    As a result of having a degree, changes to the ILA funding here in Scotland means I can't get funding for my ECDL which is needed in so many office jobs now.

    I wish I could be in bed and sleep as well, I have just had enough of life and trying to get experience, no one responds back to you as well! What does that say?

    Love and hugs to you all


    1. We've just gotta keep pushing on I guess. I keep telling myself "Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem". Still difficult though, I hope you find your way!

  4. I completely understand where your coming from. I've been unemployed for over a year now, and felt forced out of my last job due to me being unwell all the time. I've had tests for everything and there's nothing wrong with me so they say, yet i get every cough, cold, tummy bug, infection etc going. As soon as I'm over one, i get another. There's always something and it seriously effects your ability to work, but this just isn't recognized. I want a job, i want the social aspect but i have so many things wrong I'm unreliable. Not through choice, i can't control it - but what can you do? I frequently think the same as you - if i just stepped out in front of this bus..etc but i never would. As often as i have those thoughts i would never act upon them.

    I've had a mega tough year, feeling like i had to quit my job after being made to feel like i liar, really got me down - what could i possibly do? i didn't know and i still don't!
    Then my grandad passed away who was the only proper dad I've ever known - this was super tough! Then i was still unemployed, getting no interviews or even replies which really took it's toll as my partner started believing i wasn't bothering to even look, but it wasn't my fault that no one was asking me to interview.
    Then my partner of 3 1/2 years split up with me completely out of the blue, left all normal one morning and lovey-dovey and returned saying he'd been thinking about it all day, and he just didn't love me anymore - What the hell?
    So then we had to move out of our flat, me, back home with my mum who i don't get along with too often, had to part with our shared car, so lost my independence too as my mum lives in the middle of nowhere so I'm stranded!
    And then...I'm still unemployed. And where I'm located makes it worse as there's no public transport, so job hunting is..pretty darn hard!!
    As if everything didn't make me feel bad enough i have people at the job center treating me like I'm just not bothering, yet i spend so much time and effort into searching. Just makes you feel like crap in the end, which isn't the way you want to feel to be successful in your next interview is it?

    1. That's rough, all I can say is keep on trying. You show a lot of strength in not giving up despite all of that. Have you talked to your doctor about depression? Mental illness can have affects on your immune system, when I get really down I get ill a lot more.
