
Friday, 6 March 2015

24 Questions Americans have for the Brits (Buzzfeed response 2)

So following from yesterdays blog, my girlfriend decided to pose these questions from a similar Buzzfeed article to me today... This was the result.

24 Questions Americans have for the British
1. Why do you call cookies biscuits?
Because they are biscuits. If they don’t have chocolate chips in them then they're biscuits.
 Better yet, what do you call America's version of biscuits?
Are they those things we had at the barbeque? Scones. Those are scones.
2. Why would you eat something called spotted dick?
‘Cause it tastes real good.
3. In fact, why are most of your food names sexual?
They aren't all like that, just the few that make it out of the country.
4. Why do your judges still wear powdered wigs?
I dunno, I just think they're all still stuck in the 1800's.
5. Why do you call diapers "nappies"?
Dunno, just the way it’s always been.
(Authors note: I notice a trend.)
6. How many times do you need to be reminded to mind the damn gap?
Thanks to the American's, we have to put warnings up on everything to avoid getting sued. Also, the gap is scary.
7. Why do you drink tea in literally every situation?
‘Cause tea is just...tea is just right for everything.
8. How on earth do you deal with the weather?
Where I live it's not too bad, it's just dull. It can also be unpredictable and impossible to get used to though.
9. Why do you all strip down when you see the slightest bit of sun?
If your summer was only three weeks long, you would want to make the most of it too.
10. Why do you think Marmite tastes good?
I don’t. Marmite is a vile concoction that should never be touched, much less eaten.
11. Why do you have two taps instead of one?
Not many do, but some people just do it for tradition.
(AN: Treeeeeend)
12. What the hell is the deal with Cricket?
I dunno, I played it in primary school and I had no idea what I was doing. It seems like the only people that watch it are 50 year olds anyway.
13. Why do you lose your accents when you sing?
Not all artists lose it, it just seems to be a pop thing. They want to be successful in America where the money is, so they tone down the accents a bit. Most artists just want to get the fuck out of the UK anyway so it works.
14. Speaking of accents, why do you have SOOO many?
My personal theory is that it's from way back when the counties were all separate and kind of did their own thing and it just stuck.
15. How come your headlines are on a whole different level?
Because wouldn't you buy that newspaper?
16. Why are you all so stoic?
I dunno, it's just the way were brought up but it’s starting to change.
17. How many BBC channels do you have?
Christ. I think there's five.
18. Why do you think men wearing dresses is the epitome of comedy?
Cause it's just funny. And they all have a good time.
19. What do you want to be called? Britain, Great Britain, England, the United Kingdom or the U.K.?
Oh boy, here we go. To my understanding, England is a part of Britain and Britain is the combination of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. And the United Kingdom is what Britain combined with all the other territories.
20. How come you're so obsessed with the royal family?
We’re not really, that seems to be an American thing.
21. Why do you pluralize "math"?
Because the full word is "Mathematics" which is plural so the shortened word should be pluralized too.
22. How is this a condiment?
Cause what the fuck else are you supposed to eat with your roast lamb?
23. Why do you call your lines "queues"?
Because it's just the word for it.
24. And finally, how come your cursing and slang is so much better than ours?

Cause we're just a bit more bloody inventive than you lot, 'int we?

Thursday, 5 March 2015

24 Questions Britain has for the US (Buzzfeed response)

So as some of you know I'm British, living in the UK but my girlfriend is American, currently living in the US. We were skyping when I saw this buzzfeed article ( and decided to ask her the questions in it and record her answers.

Thus, this was born:

1. Why are you always so patriotic?

A: 'Murica. I don't know, I think it's just like "Woo! we got guns 'n' shit!"

2. Why would you live somewhere that can get so cold?

A: I live in the desert [Arizona], so ask all those nothern people.

3. Why do so many people give Obama such a hard time?

A: 'Cause we're dicks. He's a great guy but everybody wants to blame him for everything.

4. Is a Chicken Nugget setting on a microwave totally necessary?

A: I'm blissfully unaware of this. I'll just enjoy my popcorn setting.
*Author's note: Chicken Nugget settings are always necessary.

5. Does alcohol taste better when drunk out of a gun?

A: Shotgunning is a thing, where you drink from the barrel of an actual shotgun. I imagine it tastes awful. I must be a poor representation of my country as I've not done this.

6. Why is everything so much bigger?

A: Cause we like to show off. 'Murica.

7. [Picture of a minivan (people carrier for the UK) with a lift kit]

A: Mom's gotta have fun too!

8. Do you have any of your own actors or are you going to just keep stealing ours?

A: The Supernatural crew are all Texan. But we like your accents so we'll keep stealing yours.

9. What have you got against the letter U?

A: Cause that's some French bullshit we don't want anything to do with.

10. What exactly does freedom taste like?

A: Riding on a motorcycle with your bald eagle.

11. [In reference to the grid system] Why are your streets so boringly predictable?

A: Because it makes everything easy. We don't like streets that end in nowhere.

12. What's with the whole "being happy and confident talking to strangers" thing?

A: We like to hide our insecurities and let them out in small bursts. 

13. Why must you confuse us thankless Brits with the concept of tipping?

A: Our waitresses would die of starvation if we didn't tip.
Author's note: Waitresses in the US, because of tips, don't make minimum wage like ours do. Or at least like our's are supposed to.

14. This confused me.. It looks like bacon to me... Skipped it.

15. Why are your TV ads for drugs so batshit crazy?

A: I don't know, they all seem fairly normal to me? I've not encountered a drug ad that seemed crazy.

16. Why must your cups be red?

A: Solo cups? Red cups mean shit's going down. Mainly beer pong. 

17. Why do your toilets have so much water in them?

A: I don't why but I hate it, it's a waste of water.

18. Why are there giant gaps in public toilet doors?

A: I really don't know but it creeps me out.

19. How do we get in on this whole pizza breakfast thing?

A: You order pizza breakfast, or eat left over pizza....
Author Note: I have breakfast pizza a lot... Is this unusual in the UK?

20. Why do you still have to sign when paying rather than using chip and pin?

A: I use chip and pin on debit, just not credit. 

21. Exactly how many countries take part in the world series?

A: One. I love baseball, don't even.... 'Murica.

22. And how is it possible that this is a college football game?

A: I have no clue, it's probably part of why our tuition is so expensive.

23. How did Miss Florida not win Miss America? She slapped a shark as a kid.

A: Because the pageants are based on beauty not their personal merits unfortunately. So even though she's badass she didn't win.

24. People aren't actually called Randy, right?

A: Not anyone that I've met...

In closing she said "Sorry for being so stereotypical, please don't hate me!" 

So yeah. That was a thing.
