
Saturday, 1 March 2014

Warlords of Draenor - My Thoughts On What We Know So Far.

Ok, so for this post I'm going by the info riiiiight here:

Don't let the Blizzcon stuff put you off, it's been updated since then. I might no necessarily mention everything here, as I don't have thoughts on everything, but here goes.

I will not be explaining all the WoD features in this post! If I mention something you don't know about check the link at the top of the post. 

First off, I'm pretty psyched to actually see Draenor, I know we kinda already in Burning Crusade but that's after the Legion had done their work on it. I want to see the true Draenor, before the demons.

Also, 10 more levels? Hell yeah. I joined WoW in Cata, so I'm used to 5 level Expansions, thought I'd missed any chance of playing a 10 level expansion on release. I'm going to take my time leveling and explore properly. That said, I remember saying the same about MoP, it never happened.

Updated race models. While I agree with a lot of people that they're not needed, I'm not arguing with them being added. The ones released for viewing thus far look awesome, and it's only going to make the game more immersive. 

The free boosts to 90 I'm not going into right now. I already posted my thoughts on all boosts, free and paid. Check that out here:

Garrisons - 
So this looks really cool so far. My first MMORPG was Runescape, I was there when Construction was added and got used to have my own house. Was very useful, for those who played RS, I used mine as a tele location after boss fights, with an altar and portal to Kharanos for Barrows runs. But I digress, Garrisons look awesome. Pet stables, profession buildings, getting buffs and sending followers on missions should add a new angle to leveling and money making. Getting blue prints from quests and world drops should be fun too. Being able to show off achievements through monuments will be fun too. Wouldn't mind a Dragonhawk statue for my Mountain o' Mounts, or something like that. Customising the interior in general will certainly satisfy the interior designer in me. If that's a thing. The followers look cool, gathering new and unique followers to go on missions for you, improving their level and gear along the way. They remind me of Kenway's Fleet from Assassin's Creed IV.

Item Squish and New Stats - 
The item squish and new stats are both things that have been needed for a long time. Most of these mechanics can be seen in other MMOs and WoW's stats were starting to feel outdated. Plus making item sets easier to collect is a good thing. I understand some people are saying it takes the challenge out of balancing two specs, but not all of us have time to gear up two specs if we want to play two specs. I wanted to DPS and tank on my Warrior in MoP, I geared DPS first, by the time I was finished gearing it I went to start gearing tank to find that dungeon queues were 30 mins at least, even at peak time, I didn't have the time, so never got to tank this expansion. The new stats look fun and should switch up combat quite a bit. The armour changes are going to make playing two specs so much easier. Leaving more time to actually enjoy the specs rather than wasting time queueing and running dungeons over and over for new gear.

Inventory/Bag Space - 
I have a friend, shock horror, who is a WoW hoarder. He never has bag space because he keeps EVERYTHING. Then he complains he has no bag space. Then he won't delete or vendor any of the crap he has. It's a problem. Or at least, it is for now. Automatic sorting will help me, as someone who is forever saying "I know I got it out of my bank, now where is it?!" I know there's a search bar, by the way, I'm just forgetful. Quest items not taking up room any more is also awesome. Some zones can leave you with 10 or more slots taken up by quest items at a time, which can be really annoying, especially on a lowbie. Looms, vanity gear and possibly transmog gear getting tab systems like mounts and pets is amazing, I will finally have bank space. Also, I get to stop hearing my friend complain he has no bank space too.

Raid/dungeon Changes - 
Honestly the raid changes don't bother me too much as this will actually be the first expansion I bother to raid in anyway, so it'd all be new to me either way. However the addition of new dungeons mid expansion is great, MoP had way to few dungeons as is, and the lack of new ones just made it worse. Left the old dungeons feeling stale. Also actually needing gear from max level normals before starting HC is good, I remember that from Cata and missed it in MoP. Lastly, needing silver in proving grounds for your role before starting HCs makes me so happy, no more idiots trying roles they can't play.

For now, this is what I care about in WoD.


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