
Saturday, 1 March 2014

WoW - Lvl 90 boosts.

So, kind of a controversial topic in WoW right now, but I thought I'd stick my opinion in, for what it's worth.

I'm really looking forward to Warlords of Draenor, MoP didn't do much for me, The dungeons were cool but lacking in quantity, LFR was meh, world rares were awesome, rep grinds and their rewards were hit and miss, Timeless Isle was awesome, levelling zones were meh. As you can see I had mixed feelings. But it seems Blizzard has listened to the community, and WoD should fix a lot of what people weren't happy with. I'm going to put up a blog about WoD soon, but as boosts are coming before it's release, and they're such a talking point right now, I figured they should get their own post.

I am happily going to use my free boost. It will be used on my mage. He has been lvl 62 for.... well... Probably close on a year now. I like mages. I don't like leveling mages. So yeah. I am (finally) leveling a monk too, he's 33, I was thinking of using it on him buuuuuuut if I go for mage I can finally catch up Enchanting and Jewelcrafting to my other profs. Anyway, I don't think anyone's too pissed about the free boost. In fact it's kinda awesome for new players, old players coming back, or people who just have that one toon who they're struggling to level. 

Where the problem lies, is the paid boosts. Now, I can understand both sides. On one side you have the people saying "No, we don't want WoW to be pay to win.", "You should have to work for your 90." And yeah, for the most part I agree. But when you've worked for 9 or 10 90s, or even more than that, are people really going to miss much content by leveling again? Probably not, they'll have played what they want to play in the lower levels. Also, say you never played MoP, you quit in Cata, then you come back for WoD "Oh, before you play this expansion you just paid £50 for, you have to play through this outdated one that you never wanted in the first place." It's gonna put people off coming back. Also, you can't win WoW. So stop calling it pay to win. Please. I know it's not many people, but those that are. Stahp. Nao. 

In fact, I support the paid boosts, I was even planning to use one myself, on my monk. WAS. The thing is, as many of you will know, they popped up on live servers after the latest patch hit, briefly. They were marked as $60. What's wrong with that? That's £35, seems reasonable, for a service that allows you to skip a large chunk of grinding. It is, I'd pay that. Only for one or two characters at most, but I'd pay it if I wanted the service. However, $60, to Blizzard, does not mean £35. Looks at Blizzard store mounts... $25, or £20. Really? So safe to say Blizzard will likely charge closer to £50 for all us UK people. £50? No. No Blizzard. I know it's only £15 more, but honestly, there's a limit. £35 is the most I would pay. Now, I'm only speculating of course. But going by mount and pet prices, I'm predicting £50+ for 90 boosts.

However, we shall see what the future holds. I will write another post if there's an official UK price announced or when it's released, whichever happens first.


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